Monaco residency: official confirmation for British applicants

New regulations have been announced by the Monaco Government regarding the application process for residency in the Principality for British Nationals.

Important change post-Brexit

An official communication has recently been issued via the Monaco Government’s website confirming that, from 1 January 2021, a long stay visa will now be required for British applicants, who form part of the ‘Non-EEA Nationals’ category.

In practice, British applicants must now first apply for a French long stay visa (Type D) through the French Embassy of their country of residence. Once this has been issued, they may then proceed to apply for Monaco residency via the same process as for EEA and Swiss nationals.

The process of obtaining the visa usually takes around four months from the date of application. From collection of the visa, the process to obtaining the resident card usually takes another eight to ten weeks.

Additionally, the Government communication indicates the visa requirement applies to new applicants even if they have family members already residing in Monaco.

No action should be taken on the basis of this note, nor should it be construed as amounting to tax, legal or VAT advice. Suitable, specific and professional advice should always be obtained in respect on any particular issue.


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