Residence in Monaco for non EU and EEA nationals

The requirement to obtain a Type D visa has been extended to British nationals, as they no longer have the EU/EEA nationals’ advantage of free movement in Europe.

For all non EU/EEA nationals moving to Monaco, a French long stay visa for Monaco (Type D visa) has always been needed before the application for Monaco residence can start with the Monaco Police Department.

Pre-pandemic, the Type D visa application could take three to four months to be granted, it can now take longer.

Since Brexit, the requirement to obtain the Type D visa has extended to British nationals, as they no longer have the EU/EEA nationals’ advantage of free movement in Europe.

In normal circumstances, the Type D visa must be applied for by the potential new Monaco resident to the French Embassy in the country where they are resident.

The 1963 so called Neighbourhood Treaty between France and Monaco does allow a Type D visa application to be started at the French Embassy in Monaco, if the Monaco Government first approves such special request (an Article 5 request).

The Article 5 request is not a shorter process than applying for the Type D visa  in the country of residence, but it does allow an applicant to stay in Monaco while the Type D is being processed, even if the applicant overstays the expiry of their tourist visa (e.g. 90 days in each 180 days).

The successful granting of the Article 5 requests have been somewhat rare in recent years, but we understand that the combination of the pandemic and Brexit has recently re-opened this opportunity.

If you would like to explore this option further, or to discuss any aspect of Type D visa applications and Monaco residence, our dedicated team can assist.

No action should be taken on the basis of this note, nor should it be construed as amounting to tax, legal or VAT advice. Suitable, specific and professional advice should always be obtained in respect on any particular issue.


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